Reframe Care Cover Image
Project timeframe:
Aug 2020
My role:
Product Designer
Team composition & credits:
Product Lead Rupert Vans Agnew
Design Lead Olga Osinceva
B2C Platform Proposal
Branding Proposal
Website Proposal

The product

Reframe Care Marketing WebsiteReframe Care Platform


Reframe Care is a fintech startup providing insurance and related services focused on helping families prepare for the financial issues of aging. They reached out to help with branding, the initial dashboard, and onboarding designs to present to investors. This project was only ever in the proposal state; we had a short two weeks to put the designs together. It helped the stakeholders to achieve the initial goal, but later they decided to take a different path.


I loved working on branding for this project - it involved the element of social responsibility and empathy, and the stakeholder gave me the trust to visualize the pitch in. I was inspired by the story of the founder, who created this startup to help families; after experiencing first-hand his grandfather during his five-year battle with Alzheimer’s and the financial impact it had on his family.
Reframe Care PlatformReframe Care Platform


I picked the color palette symbolizing empathy, stability, and trust. Adding grounding blue as a primary color was a way to keep the product in the fintech realm, coral and salmon for softness, and minty green for hope and vitality. The picked font is neutral and rounded to soften the overall feel.


Because of the subject matter, photography seemed like the wrong way to go, happy faces of stock photography might have been insensitive. I created a custom set of illustrations for the marketing website reflecting the nature of the situation but still giving hope.
Reframe Care Color PaletteReframe Care Custom IllustrationsReframe Care Custom Illustrations

The process

Reframe Care Low Fidelity Wireframes


The deliverables of this product itself were limited to an onboarding flow, the dashboard, and the caregiver portal page - with a focus primarily on aesthetics and usability. The most significant part of onboarding was finding ways to display transparent and somewhat personalized rates before registering and further specifying the detailed rate with a thorough questionnaire.

I created the wireframes based on competitors’ research and stakeholders’ industry knowledge. As an outcome, we presented a streamlined flow that collects a lot of medical information for providing a specific rate and, based on quick quantitative testing, is not too bothersome for the user.
Reframe Care High Fidelity Wireframes

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